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Your digital footprint: Managing your online presence

Your digital footprint: Managing your online presence

Your digital footprint: Managing your online presence
Ilaria MunariMon Sep 23 20244 min read

Your digital footprint is the trail of data you leave behind every time you use the Internet.

Everything you do online contributes to it. Understanding and managing your footprint is essential for maintaining your privacy and protecting your personal information.

A record of your online activity

Every time we use the Internet, we generate data. The topics we search for, the websites we visit, our posts and comments on social media, our online purchases, and even the emails we send are tracked and measured.

Together, this data forms a trail of information about us, including our whereabouts, interests, opinions and values, and what we like and dislike. This is our digital footprint, also known as our digital shadow.

Our footprint can be active based on information that we share intentionally. It can also be passive, using data collected without direct input, such as our browsing habits and location.

Part of our footprint is personally identifiable and highly sensitive, such as our names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Part of the information is anonymous, including our browser and search history.

Understanding our digital footprint is vital for:

  • Maintaining our privacy: Its important to know what information about us is available publicly. For example, oversharing our details on social media can expose us to risks such as identity theft.
  • Protecting our reputation: Employers, recruiters, schools, and others can form opinions about us by viewing our social media accounts.
  • Staying safe: Cybercriminals can use our personal information to try to break into our emails, bank accounts, or workplaces using techniques such as phishing and social engineering.

Manage your digital footprint to help you stay safe

Tracking and actively managing your digital footprint can help you stay safe. Here are some key things you can do.

Audit your online presence regularly

The simplest way to audit your online presence is to search for your name and see what information comes up. Its also a good idea to be aware of social media accounts, blogs, and other platforms where you might share personal data.

To be extra careful, you can use tools such as Google Alerts to monitor mentions of your name or other personal information.

Control your privacy

On social media platforms, configure the privacy settings to control who can see your posts and personal information. Review and update them regularly.

Be careful about sharing personal details like your home address, phone number, or date of birth.

This includes small pieces of information that can seem harmless on their own. For example, photos of your home, car, or pets. Over time, these can be pieced together to build a detailed digital portrait of you.

Delete accounts you don’t use

Inactive social media accounts can still hold valuable personal information. Delete or deactivate any accounts you no longer use.

Think before you post

Before you share personal information, opinions, or photos online, think carefully about the potential consequences, now and in the future. For example, what will the post say about you to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or current and future employers?

Remember, after your post goes live, you have no control over who will eventually see it. And it could remain visible for many yearseven if you try to delete it later.

Manage your passwords

Use a unique, strong password for each of your accounts. Update each password regularly to a new one you havent used before. Wherever possible, enable two-factor authentication.

Use privacy tools

Navigating the web using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) helps to anonymize your activity and reduce your passive digital.

Using browser extensions to block tracking cookies and encrypt your data also helps you to protect your privacy.

Our digital footprint is a powerful record of our online life

Understanding and managing our footprint is vital to protect our privacy and stay safe.

Are you exposed?

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